Fly tying


A classic pattern that makes a great alternative to a Stoat's Tail for salmon and sea-trout

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent April 19, 2023

A fly that has stood the test of time. Fish it on a floating line in a range of sizes, but maintain the right proportions.

Material list for the Executioner

Hook: Size 6-12 Partridge Patriot CS16U/2 double Thread: White  Tag: Silver wire  Tail: Golden pheasant crest  Butt: Red Glo-Brite floss  Rib: Silver wire  Body: Silver holographic tinsel  Throat: Black hackle fibres  Wing: Black opossum (or squirrel or Arctic runner)  Cheeks: Jungle cock  Head: Red Glo-Brite floss

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