While the Suspender Buzzer, PVC Nymph and Persuader were all groundbreaking patterns which have withstood the test of time, the best known of all John Goddard’s many innovative flies has to be the G&H Sedge. Devised in conjunction with the late Cliff Henry — hence the G&H — the deer-hair-bodied dry-fly that floats like a cork is regarded as the premier sedge imitation in America where it is better known as the Goddard Caddis.
Their idea was to come up with a fly that, when seen from beneath, provided the distinctive wedge-shaped silhouette. Be sure to keep this feeding trigger in mind when shaving the ragged bundle of spun deerhair into its final shape.
Originally intended to represent the mottled sedge, by matching the size of the artificial to that of the hatching insect, the G&H can be used to represent any of the lighter sedges.
By substituting a dark-brown seal’s fur underbody for the original green and either black or dark brown deer hair for the underbody, the G&H can be adapted for use where brown or near-black sedges are plentiful.
Hook Sizes 8-12
Thread Green or tan
Underbody Green seal’s fur
Body Natural deer hair spun in
bunches and clipped to shape
Antennae (optional) Stripped
hackle stalks
While the Suspender Buzzer, PVC Nymph and Persuader were all groundbreaking patterns which have withstood the test of time, the best known of all John Goddard’s many innovative flies has to be the G...
While the Suspender Buzzer, PVC Nymph and Persuader were all groundbreaking patterns which have withstood the test of time, the best known of all John Goddard’s many innovative flies has to be the G...
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