Fly tying

How to tie the UV Gold Dabbler

Dabblers were born for the top-dropper position. This gaudy version is worth trying on dark overcast days. Material list for the UV Gold Dabbler Hook: Size 8-10 wet-fly Thread: Brown Tail: Cock pheasant tail fibres Rib: Gold wire Body: UV gold extra-fine Straggle Body hackle: Golden-olive or ginger cock hackle Hackle/wing: Bronze mallard Cheeks: Gold

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent April 19, 2023

Dabblers were born for the top-dropper position. This gaudy version is worth trying on dark overcast days.

Material list for the UV Gold Dabbler

Hook: Size 8-10 wet-fly

Thread: Brown

Tail: Cock pheasant tail fibres

Rib: Gold wire

Body: UV gold extra-fine Straggle

Body hackle: Golden-olive or ginger cock hackle

Hackle/wing: Bronze mallard

Cheeks: Gold holographic tinsel

UV Gold Dabbler 1

Step 1. Fix the hook, then run on the tying thread, carrying it down to the bend. Catch in a few fibres of cock pheasant tail to form the tail.

UV Gold Dabbler 1

Step 2. Secure the pheasant-tail fibres then catch in some gold wire. Prepare, then catch in some gold UV Straggle at the base of the tail.

UV Gold Dabbler 3

Step 3. Position the thread near the eye then begin winding the Straggle. Wind it along the shank in close, but not overlapping, turns.

UV Gold Dabbler 4

Step 4. Stroke back the Straggle fibres at each turn. Secure the loose end and trim it off, then catch in a golden-olive cock hackle.

UV Gold Dabbler 5

Step 5. Trim off the waste hackle stem. Holding the hackle-tip with hackle pliers, apply three close turns then wind it along the body in open turns.

UV Gold Dabbler 6

Step 6. Once the hackle has reached the base of the tail, wind the gold wire through it, working towards the eye. This will secure the hackle.

UV Gold Dabbler 7

Step 7. Remove the excess hackle-tip and wire, then prepare a strip of bronze mallard. Catch one third in under the shank and two thirds on top.

UV Gold Dabbler 8

Step 8. Gently work the fibres around the sides of the body so they form a cloak. Secure with thread and trim waste mallard. Then catch in two holographic-tinsel cheeks.

UV Gold Dabbler 9

Step 9. Trim off the waste ends of tinsel then add further tight thread turns. Build a small head then cast off with a whip finish.

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