Fly tying

Park Shrimp

Devised by Ross Macdonald on the Aberdeenshire Dee, the Park Shrimp now catches salmon throughout the UK and is a firm favourite in the Hebrides. Material list for the Park Shrimp Hook or tube: Any size Thread: Red   Tag: Gold wire or oval tinsel Tail: Orange Arctic runner tied above and below a longer length

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Time Well Spent
Time Well Spent April 19, 2023

Devised by Ross Macdonald on the Aberdeenshire Dee, the Park Shrimp now catches salmon throughout the UK and is a firm favourite in the Hebrides.

Material list for the Park Shrimp

Hook or tube: Any size

Thread: Red  

Tag: Gold wire or oval tinsel

Tail: Orange Arctic runner tied above and below a longer length of yellow Arctic runner with gold Angel Hair  

Butt: Gold Lite-Brite

Body: Black seal’s fur

Rib: Pearl mylar  

Wing: Black Arctic runner

Cheeks: Natural jungle cock  

Head hackle: Orange badger cock wound in front of yellow badger cock

Head: Red

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